Gross Pollutant Trap (GPT)
Categories of GPTs |
Dry storage (Standing above water level) |
Wet sump (Standing below water level) |
GPTs are devices that collect large pollutants from waterways, before they enter wetlands and marine waters. They are used in urban water infrastructure such as stormwater drains, urban wetlands, beach fronts, airports...
Large pollutants can include anything such as leaves, bottles, plastic bags, cans, take-away food containers etc. They do not include pollutants such as heavy metals, dirt, bacteria or chemicals from fertilisers and pesticides; however some of these smaller pollutants are prevented from being released in the waterways when they are entrapped in bigger pollutants; and the natural processes help to breakdown these pollutants into harmless forms.
For more information on GPTs please visit:
Gross Pollutant Traps by Tash Hughes of Word Constructions 22kb
- A Toolkit for Water Quality Monitoring for Local Government
Table designed from information from